Processes are moderate in range, established and familiar, employing basic operational skills using readily available information. These are applied in directed activities which are supervised by the teacher. Learners have some responsibility for quantity and quality.
Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 2 entrants.
Comfortable and well balanced seating position
Appropriate hand and finger shape
Technical facility, sufficient to allow:
Developing independent articulation of the fingers
Smooth passing of the thumb
Rhythmic stability
Developing controlled co-ordination of the hands
Controlled, clear, even legato touch and tone
A developing sense of pulse to allow accurate performance of rhythmic figures
Accurate and fluent performance of pieces through controlled touch and tone
Awareness and control of dynamics, tempo and touch
The ability to articulate legato and staccato textures as required
Awareness of Phrasing
Beginning to develop reliable legato pedalling technique
Beginning to develop sensitivity to the cohesive sound of the group
Beginning to develop a degree of group communication skills