Entrants should be prepared to answer questions that touch on matters specified in previous grades and concentrate on the following:
To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of composition, using the following chords: I,II, III (major keys only), IV, V, VI Ib, IIb, IIIb, IVb, Vb, VIb, VIIb Ic, IVc, Vc V7, V7b, V7c, V7d In keys up to four sharps or four flats. In pianoforte or four part vocal style. Accented and unaccented passing notes and auxiliary notes, single suspensions, Tierce de Picardie. Modulation to nearly related keys.
to harmonize a melody or an unfigured bass in four part harmony
to write two part counterpoint with a sound harmonic basis
To show knowledge of sonata, or first movement form, and to refer to a standard movement in a work of the entrant's choice, from the classical period.
To answer questions on the sonata, symphony, concerto and overture from the classical period, and refer to examples of these forms together with the composers of such works.
To show knowledge of the brass instruments of the symphony orchestra (horn in F, trumpet in B♭, tenor trombone, tuba in F), their ranges and the clefs they use.
General Musical Skills
To write a melody to a four lined stanza of poetry, in major or minor keys up to four sharps or four flats. Words are to be correctly written below the notes. Phrase marks are to be included. Modulation is required.
To complete a balanced melody from a given opening, of 16 bars in length, in major or minor keys up to four sharps or four flats. Phrase marks are to be included. Modulation is required.
Set Work
Entrants will be able to answer general questions about the work, to quote the main themes, and indicate their orchestration. Symphony No 39 in E♭, 1st movement and 2nd movement, W. A. Mozart. An analysis in New Listening Guides by Dando and Sell ISBN 0582542308 is available from Pearson Education NZ. email : customer.service@pearsoned.co.nz